Our Logo

What does the Adamson logo represent?

The Letter "A" - You're right! It represents our name, "Adamson".

The Circle - The circumstances around a death can overshadow a lifetime of wonderful memories. At Adamson we celebrate life! The whole life. The circle represents the whole life of the deceased. As Northern Colorado's exclusive provide of "Life Celebration", we strive to help families, friends, and co-workers rediscover a lifetime of memories shared. Families we have served often tell us that they didn't know a funeral could be so comforting and healing.

That Other Thing in the Middle of the Circle - Whatever it is. At Adamson we call it, "The Path of Life". Every path is as unique as the person it represents. Life takes each of us down different paths. At a Life Celebration service, we walk down that path together and laugh and cry as we immerse ourselves in their life memories. We prefer "fully customized" Life Celebrations as a new and better way doing funerals.