Think! Create! Inspire!

At Adamson, we think these three words are important to consider both in life and at the time of death.

Think - (verb)

to employ one's mind rationally and objectively

Let's face it, most people don't like to think about death. But something as important as the end of life is significant and worthy of contemplation.

When you stop to think about it, we think about and plan celebrations for most of life's milestones: births and birthdays, graduations, engagements, marriage and anniversaries, promotions at work and retirement; just to mention a few. It's how we let those we love know they matter to us.

When it comes to that final celebration of a life well-lived, however, more and more people today are failing to see the significance of gathering family, co-workers and friends for that one final celebration.

Are we just too busy? Is it the money? Is it that if we don't think about death, it won't happen? Is it because they told us they didn't want a funeral service? That didn't stop us before when they said, "Oh, don't make a big fuss about my birthday." We planned a nice birthday celebration anyway...and they loved it!

Create - (verb)

to cause to happen; bring about; arrange, as by intention or design.

Having thought of the importance of doing something to celebrate the life of someone who has died, the question now becomes, "what should we do"?

Just as every life is unique, every Celebration of Life service should reflect that uniqueness. Cookie cutter and one-size-fits-all services are no longer providing meaning and often come across as superficial.

A well-planned service will:
1. Help us acknowledge the death
2. Offer support to one another
3. Share stories and memories
4. Inspire those who attend to make life count

What would the perfect service for you or your loved one look like? Where should it be held? What music should be played? What about a Life Tribute video? The answers to these questions are best revealed by considering the uniqueness of the life of the one we are celebrating.

With that in mind, you can create a truly meaningful experience for those that attend. At Adamson, our experienced Funeral Directors will help make those experiences a reality.

Inspire - (verb)

to give rise to, bring about or cause inspiration

A well-planned Celebration of Life service will be inspiring! Chances are a persons' love, dedication, hard work, faithfulness, service to country, friendship and other admirable qualities won't make it in the newspaper or on the evening news; but can be an inspiration to all who attend a service in their memory.

Hearing stories about a life well-lived can inspire us all to be better parents, grandparents, co-workers and friends; and can motivate us to make each day count. Let our creative and experienced staff help you plan a Celebration of Life service for your loved one that will inspire all who attend!